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Fune no Yume


[Школа]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[Также известный, как]A Boat of Dreams
[Сочиненная]Yaezaki Kengyō - Кото
Kikuoka Kengyō - Сямисен

Поэма (translated by John Tedford)


With passionate yearning, I guide my boat
though chance encounters bring new pain;
In the midst of pleasure,
why such sorrow?
Indeed, when I could be hiding
from view on sheltered shores,
and grow accustomed to the
world of love -
Yet, I drift across the waters
bound to my ship,
Oh, transient and floating world!
It would be best, the cuckoo cries,
to turn back, even now...



But without direction,
I wander in the white waves,
which gather round
my bed at night,
till restless thoughts of love,
startle me from my dreams.
The wind is chill;
the helm my only pillow.

Fune no Yume appears on the following albums

Альбом Исполнитель

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 2 (続三曲合奏大全集2) Сякухати : Morita Shūzan
Voice : Tomiyama Seikin II
Сямисен : Tomiyama Seikin II
Кото : Tomikawa Seikaku

Sō - Shamisen - Shakuhachi ni yoru Mei Senshū Сякухати : Aoki Reibo II
Voice : Matsuo Keiko
Сямисен : Matsuo Keiko
Кото : Mori Yūji

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 32 Voice : Yonekawa Toshiko
Сямисен : Yonekawa Toshiko
Voice : Satō Chikaki
Кото : Satō Chikaki