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[School]Taizan Ha - 対山派
Chikuho Ryû

History (Tokuyama Takashi):

The kanji characters for yoshiya are the same as those for the district of yoshino, known for its connection to the ancient emperor Godaigo, lord of Kusunoki Masakatsu, who was said to be the forefather of the mendicant komuso priests.

Yoshiya appears on the following albums

Album Artist

Koten Shakuhachi Gaku Zen Shū - 2 Shakuhachi : Takeuchi Shikō

Meian Sōda 明暗双打 volume 4 Shakuhachi : Sakaguchi Tetsushin
Play ButtonMeianji Shoden Shakuhachi Honkyoku Shu 01 Shakuhachi : Yoshimura Sōshin Fuan
Play ButtonMyoan Sanjunana Sei Tanikita Muchiku Shu - 1 Shakuhachi : Tanikita Muchiku Roan
Play ButtonShumi Shakuhachi : Tokuyama Takashi
More than a classical piece, this song sounds like one played by a flute in a festival environment. It may indeed have been adapted from folk or festival music. The Kanji characters for Yoshiya are the same as those for the district of Yoshino, known for its connection to the ancient emperor Godaigo, lord of Kusunoki Masakatsu, who was said to be the forefather of the mendicant Komuso (Fuke Zen) priests.