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A congratulatory hauta (short song) about marital love and longevity.

Takasago is a standard song for weddings, nuptials, and New Year's celebrations. The lyrics are derived from a Noh play by Zeami (1363-1443), a sarugaku master of the Muromachi period (1336-1573), and have been sung in the form of hauta, Sōkyoku, and Jiuta until the present day.

Not to be confused with the similarly-themed Sōkyoku piece, Shin Takasago.

Takasago appears on the following albums

Album Artist


Sō no Shiori (Ikuta Ryū) vol 1 Voice : Kikuhara Hatsuko
Shamisen : Kikuhara Hatsuko
Koto : Fujii Kunie

Zoku Sō-Sangen-Shakuhachi ni yoru Mei Senshū - volume 3 Voice : Matsuo Keiko
Shamisen : Matsuo Keiko