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Kawamura Masako


Masako Kawamura completed the NHK Training Program for Traditional Japanese Music in 1970, and in 1971 she became a student of Tadao and Kazue Sawai. Since that time she has performed throughout Japan, Europe, Australia and the United States. She is currently an instructor at Musashino School of Music and the Sawai Koto School, and is a member of the Sawai Koto Ensemble and Koto Goninten.


Futatsu no Gensō 「二つの幻想」 07'56 Works of Hozan Yamamoto 5
Play Button Koto - Jushichigen Ni Yoru Shôkumikyoku 箏・十七絃による小組曲 03'55 Challenging Eternity Disk 11
Play Button Koto - Jushichigen Ni Yoru Shôkumikyoku 箏・十七絃による小組曲 02'18 Challenging Eternity Disk 11
Play Button Koto - Jushichigen Ni Yoru Shôkumikyoku 箏・十七絃による小組曲 03'25 Challenging Eternity Disk 11
Play Button Nihon Minyo Kumikyoku Dai Ichiban 日本民謡組曲第一番 03'01 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu
Sō jūshichigen ni yoru ko kumikyoku 1 箏・十七弦による小組曲 1 03'54 Works of Hozan Yamamoto 2
Sō jūshichigen ni yoru ko kumikyoku 2 箏・十七弦による小組曲 2 03'25 Works of Hozan Yamamoto 2
Sō jūshichigen ni yoru ko kumikyoku 3 箏・十七弦による小組曲 3 02'14 Works of Hozan Yamamoto 2
Play Button Sō Shijūsō 箏四重奏 05'37 Challenging Eternity Disk 18
Play Button Sō Shijūsō 箏四重奏 03'41 Challenging Eternity Disk 18