トップ 人物 アルバム 文献 流派 用語集 リンク・イベント 先生 ISSに入会する ログイン

Masumoto Bifū

桝本 眉風

Masumoto Bifū
生まれ 1924


Masumoto Bifū (Masumoto Hisao) was born August 27, 1924 in Tokushima Prefecture.
He studied Kinko-ryū shakuhachi under Murase Shōfū and Satō Seibi.
He started teaching in 1954.
In 1969, he received the Tokushima Prefecture Art Festival Encouragement Award.
He was the Bifū-kai Tokushima branch chief and Bifū-kai chairman.

別名 桝本 久雄 (Masumoto Hisao)
