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Chant de la Serinde


[対象楽器]伊福 部 昭 - 箏 - 1997

胡哦 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonPipa Xing - Works of Akira Ifukube 箏 : 野坂 惠子
This piece was commissioned by Keiko NOSAKA and premiered on March 11, 1997. The title refers to the song of the non-Chinese peoples who lived to the north and west of China in ancient times. The composer seems to have had in mind the West-Asian peoples who dwelled west of China, from Dunhuang to Kashgar, at the time when the ancient Silk road was at its peak of prosperity.
The piece is built up from an interplay between a slow, exotic melody in West-Asian style (adapted from the melody of an interlude used in the 1964 movie "Mothra vs, Godzilla") and a section in rapid toccata style, The piece is approximately 10 minutes In duration.