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[対象楽器]宮城 道雄 - 尺八
宮城 道雄 - 箏 - 1920

発祥 (柘植 元一):

Composed in 1927, this piece shows the direct influence of Western music.

The first part of this two-part composition is a koto duct descriptively named Shuu ('A Shower'). The second part, called Higurashi ('A Clear-toned Cicada') includes a vocal section based on a poem by the composer.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

The rain has stopped.
Drenched twigs
Glitter wetly,
Scattered dew drops
Stir quietly.
In the haze
Of sunset
Kana kana...
The sad shrill cry
Of the tiny cicada.

Ame harete
nuretaru kozue
midaruru tsuyu no
shizukeki soyogi
yuubae no
keburuga naka ni
kanakana to
aware sabishiki
higurshi no naku

ひぐらし は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Miyagi Michio Sakuhin Dai Zenshu - 13