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Nagara no Haru


[流派]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[別名]Spring in Nagara
[対象楽器]八重崎 検校 - 箏
菊岡 検校 - 三弦

詩 (【翻訳者】 John Tedford)

Gathering throngs of people
have risen early this spring morn
while the mists rise and clear away.

Although the shrine of Otsu is Shiga
has long since been laid to waste,
still the mountain cherry
on the slopes of Nagara
reminds us now
of times long gone.

The brilliance of the blossoms,
unchanged from former years,
stretches forth in all directions
as far as the eye can see.
[Just look at] the cherry trees
of the Taka-kannon garden,
and yonder in the distance
Mount Mikami
shields the rippling surface
of the sea [i.e., lake Biwa].
And we may gaze upon
its many bays and inlets.
Even the sound of the helm
of the gliding ferryboat
is clearly audible
wafted to us on the wind.
Amidst reveling...
...and festive celebration,
in the spring twilight,
the voice of the bell
at Miidera
echoing the voices
of all those
who regret to part at sunset.

The cherry blossoms
are scattered in the breeze.
we stroll homewards
escorted by the blossoms.
Truly, we have been
the guests of the cherry trees, and flowers.

奈賀良の春 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Ikuta Ryu Sokyoku Senshu Volume 02 (上) 箏 : 宮城 喜代子
三弦 : 塚越清子
歌 : 宮城 数江

Inoue Michiko no Shigei - Volume 4 三弦 : 井上 道子
尺八 : 山口 五郎
歌 : 阿部 桂子
箏 : 小林 玉枝

Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 4 尺八 : 三世 川瀨 順輔

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 18 (三曲合奏大全集18) 尺八 : 鯉江丈山
三弦 : 古屋靖枝
箏 : 古屋富蔵
歌 : 中村尚子

Sasagawa Shizue no Shigei Vol. 4 三弦 : 佐々川静枝
箏 : 鈴木和子

Sō no Shiori (Ikuta Ryū) vol 8 箏 : 中島 靖子
歌 : 藤井 久仁江
三弦 : 藤井 久仁江

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 34 箏 : 宮城 喜代子

Yamaguchi Goro - Performance study 2 三弦 : 井上 道子
尺八 : 山口 五郎
箏 : 小林 玉枝