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Inori (Seifu)


[対象楽器]吉田 晴風 - 尺八 - 1925

祈り は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Koto Music of Japan - Music for Japanese Instruments 箏 : 山口 永子
箏 : 吉田恭子
尺八 : 渡辺 浩風
箏 : 英恵美子
尺八 : 佐々木操風
When the Polish nobleman, Count Lubiensky, visited Japan in 1925, he commissioned this music for a bellet of his creation, inspired by ancient Greek sculpture, expressing the chaste devotions offered by the Athenian maidens to their gods. The music takes the following form: Intorduction - The chaste devotion of the maidens - Joy that the gods will answer their prayer - Terror that their prayers may not be answered - Confidence that their prayers, if sufficiently fervent, will surely be heard.

Yoshida Seifu Collection of Famous Performances volume 3 箏 : 吉田恭子
尺八 : 吉田 晴風