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Kamu Ogi Guoto


[対象楽器]Sato Somei - 箏

神招琴 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Art of the Koto - Volume III 箏 : 吉村 七重
Kamu-Ogi-Guoto, by Somei Sato, travels back to the ancient world of Japan’s mythological age, when the koto was used as a medium of communication with the gods. It was written with the sincere wish that the ancient gods would deign to dwell in this modern incarnation of this instrument.
Play ButtonNanae 箏 : 吉村 七重
Koto has the oldest origin in the Asian instruments. It appears "forbidden" in "explanatory sentence"; "forbidden" meant sacred places to worship god. Koto is also the instrument inviting god. In Kojiki, there is a description that the Empress Shinko became a shrine maiden and the Emperor Chuai played the koto to return god in our country, too. This 20-stringed koto, the new style, prizes old gods, so I hope its sounds will be more colorful (from the program of the first performance in 1989, Sep.)

Kamu-Ogi-Guoto was composed for Nanae Yoshimura's recital last year. I was little worried about the new style instrument, 20-stringed koto, but I was able to get many suggestions by Yoshimura's spiritual centripetal performance. For this recital, I added and cut some parts to clear Yoshimura's beautiful consciousness.