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Storytelling on a Winter's Night


[対象楽器]Takeuchi Akihiko - 尺八 - 1985

寒夜昔話 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonVoices from Afar - Voices From Within 尺八 : クリストファー遙盟
This piece was written with the Northern coast of Japan in mind. It is wintertime, and the frigid wind blows outside. Family members and friends have gathered around the hearth, away from the cold, to hear a story, except there are no lyrics to this story. The soprano part consists of special onomatopoetic sounds which are sung by students when learning the traditional Japanese transverse flute; a kind of vocalized instrumental part (called shoga). Therefore, this piece is really a
duet between two flutes, the bamboo shakuhachi flute and the flute of the human vocal chords.